Tag Archives: flirt

when is one a playboy?

playboys. sigh. aren’t they those heartless insensitive jerks who collect girls and even have more than one “relationship” at a time? okay, so we all know that part of it. my question is the bounds of it? when can we safely say that one is a playboy?

what if a guy just happens to like a girl. it also just happens that she isn’t the first one and that she wasn’t the first to hear the words she heard. is one automatically a playboy? the guy doesn’t two time. he also shows care and concern. is he collecting or did he just fall in love with all of them?

he doesn’t force himself into anything, but… 


i’m totally lost. to trust your gut or to trust your heart? the bounds of a term like playboy isn’t exactly clear. 

now, if we were all picky, thinking before each and every step, then nothing would happen to anyone, huh? if this is how we will view it, then no one will ever love, no one will ever listen to their heart. 

what’s your view? what do you think of this?